Mallorca with KartForce

Mallorca with KartForce

Sights set on Mallorca with KartForce

In November I’ll be travelling to Mallorca with KartForce- who I regularly support with coaching and training their drivers. KartForce are a team of injured veterans that now battle on the track to secure victories.

They are made up of serving and ex serving members of the British Army who have received injuries from conflict. KartForce help them to get their lives back on track and regain their confidence. They also have the chance to race professionally if they can keep up with the rest of the team!

I will mainly be coaching the lads and lassies’ on how to implement racing techniques in hot climates. How the effects of warm weather alter the karts and how to best overcome any of these obstacles they may find in their way. The karts are fitted out with specialist hand controls which allow the drivers to brake and accelerate by using just their hands and fingers. A lot of the guys there are double, even triple amputees so to give them a fighting chance the karts come fitted out with the controls.

Lets hope the sun’s shining!

Salvo 🙂

Sights set on Mallorca with KartForce
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